Popetos enjoying a Keebler's Sandies Pecan Shortbread Cookie. One of the snacks I brought along on the trip. He now refers to me as "The Cookie Lady."

Hi everyone, this is my neighbor Popetos. He is four years old and affectionately knows me as "The Cookie Lady." Popetos recently graduated from the LaFluerta Garifuna Pre-School in Dangriga, Belize and was so proud last night to tell me that he gave the "Welcome" at his graduation ceremony. He even gave us an exclusive rendition of his performance in our living room. Flat Stanley was on hand to congratulate him for such a wonderful and spirited speech! Flat and Popetos are big buddies now!
IDONIA!!!!!! My DEAR and precious friend and human servant. Just today did I read your blog from beginning to end and I must say that it was transcending! Thank you for being such a self-less woman of God! I want to tell Attorney Moore and her family hello and young Popetos and Flat Stanley hello and the mornings hello and the folks you pass on the street "hello", and those commuting on bicycles "hello"!!!!! And the coconut trees "hello" and everyone HELLO!!!! Again, beautiful humble servant, thank you for your spirit and your drive to fight for what is right all over the world. You are an amazing woman and I am blessed to know you. Thank you for sharing your studies with us. I know you miss your family and they miss you too! What a comfort it must be to them to understand why you all are making such a tremendous sacrifice. God bless you girley and keep you. Forever praying, Cynthia
Like spirits commune Cynthia! Great to hear from you and share my experiences here in Dangriga with you and all that visit the blog. I do indeed miss you and enjoyed the one-on-one fellowship with you at Chili's before coming here. That was so precious of a time. I am grateful for our friendship. Keep checking in. I will hopefully have a posting on my court visits. The honor and integrity of justice is felt not only in the courtrooms in the states, but also the courtrooms here in Belize.
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