The whole church got involved with the movements as the girls worship God in song....the song was "I'm Claiming my Promise"
Journal Entry, Sunday, June 22, 2008
One of the things I have learned while in professional and graduate studies is, Never Get So Busy with Obtaining Higher Degrees Until You Forget About God!! Today I attended the Faith Assembly of God Church in Dangriga. It was my second time attending a church service here. A couple of weeks ago, I was on my way home from the market and overheard a familiar song playing over loud speakers coming from a certain direction. The song was a gospel song entitled, “I Can’t Even Walk Without You Holding My Hand.” As this is a song that is sung often at my family’s home church, Faith Apostolic Church in Pine Bluff (A Big Shout Out to Pastor Moore & Family!), I was naturally drawn to it. As I got closer and closer, I realized that the music was coming from the Zion Temple Seventh Day Adventist Church. Having not been in a service for a few weeks, I walked in and sat on the back row to enjoy the beautiful singing coming from children, as that Saturday was their Youth Day Service. They went on to sing, “Jesus, There is Something About That Name”. I appreciated the friendly smiles and warm greetings from the church and left after staying for about an hour. It was already past 6:30p. I did not want to be walking on the streets after dark, especially since I still look pretty “touristy” to most Dangrigans.
Unlike my haphazardly stumbling upon Zion Temple, today, I woke up with the intention of going to Faith Assembly. Here in Dangriga, there are few churches. Most are Catholic, Anglican, Seventh Day or Assembly of God. I had passed by Faith Assembly many times on my way to market. I arrived a bit early and had an opportunity to meet and greet with members. The people of Dangriga are so friendly. Not just at church, but everywhere! So I expected to shake many hands at some point or the other. As church started, again I heard familiar songs that brought tears to my eyes as I bathe in just the opportunity to greet my higher power in familiar and new songs. “Look What the Lord Has Done” , “”I’m Claiming my Promise” , “Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know” and “There’s Just Something About that Name” with great excitement coming from all over the church!
Praise dancers hurried onto the floor to dance before the Lord. The people seemed to praise Him with a higher praise than I have experienced in quite some time. Being the cry baby that I am, I couldn’t help but to praise God for giving me traveling mercies on my trip to and travels while in Belize, for giving me a “reasonable portion” of strength & health in my body, for making ways out of no way, opening doors, giving me peace of mind, blessing my children, husband and family to be healthy, spiritual beings who love God as well and for allowing me to have a somewhat sound mind….emphasis on “somewhat” (smile).
The message shared by Pastor Evans today was entitled Identity Crisis in the Body of Christ. He emphasized that we are dear children of God (Ephesian 5:1). He talked about how the enemy tries to attack our self worth, self being to turn us away from the fact that we are dear children of the most High God. If the enemy, he continued on to say, can make you think of all the ugly things in your life, and if all you focus on are your failures, then the enemy wins. He proclaimed that Christians should rise up, claim their promise in God and declare who they are in Christ….i.e…Child of God, Brand New Creature in Christ, Forgiven, Justified, Head not the Tail, A Winner not a Loser, etc…
“Love yourself the way you are. God made you in his own image. (Gen. 1:26, 27). Say to yourself, Self, I am Wonderfully made like my Father. (Ps 139:14) And therefore, I love myself just the way I am……But not to the point where I will allow myself to stop discovering the untapped gifts in God that are yet to be discovered in me.” I really thought that was well put. He was saying, never become so wonderful to your own self until there’s no room for improvement.
He stated that many times, we are hindered in moving forward because we fail to see who we are in Christ Jesus. “Get a Holy Ghost digital camera and take a picture of yourself. See that you are made in His Image….fearfully and wonderfully made.” Pastor Evans continued on….”I wonder if you were arrested today and taken to court for being a Christian, would you be found Guilty or Not Guilty.” He admonished attendees to Speak God’s Word over ourselves and to Encourage ourselves….in the Lord. And the only way to know God’s Word for our lives is to Read the Word. Needless to say, my little cup was just runnin' right over........
1 comment:
I must say that it was nice to share in your experience at Faith Assembly of God, Dangriga. This is the church I grew up in. Pastor Evans and his wife have been great role models in my life. I would never forget who they are and their passion to serve God. Their love for God is genuine and their passion to share God has been inspiring. I pray God's blessings on their lives always. I also pray blessings in yours.
Thanks for sharing,
Rachel H.
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