I had the most fortunate opportunity of meeting the new Prime Minister of Belize on June 30th. The Honorable Dean Barrow is the leader of the country and the head of the United Democratic Party. Barrow took office on February 8, 2008 after a landslide victory over the now Opposition Leader, Said Musa (whose party had been in control for more than 10 years before the 2008 defeat). The UDP and Barrow won on a message of transparency in government, decisions by the concensus and outlawing secrecy in governmental contracts. Barrown and his cabinet may be viewed at http://sanpedrosun.net/old/08-071.html.
The past few weeks have been filled with meetings promoting the sexual assault unit within the Director of Public Prosecutions office. In addition, I have attended several court hearings, prepared three Statement of Claims, written letters on behal of clients hoping to avoid a lawsuit and sat in on a murder trial (in which Defense Attorney Antoinette Moore won on behalf of a 17 year old client). With our meetings with Ms. Humes and Ms. Branker-Taitt having positive implications in the near future, the project is now in the community advocacy outreach stage with a community-wide meeting planned in Dangriga to "Shine the Light on Sexual Assaults" on August 1, 2008. We will inform the public on the sexual assault unit plans and engage them in dialogue about what they as individuals, a community and a nation can do to end sexual assaults.
Tonight, I am meeting with the sponsors of the event (POWA, Men for Social Change and Human Rights Watch-Dangriga) to present the campaign's elements (that I have developed over the past few days) and get approval. Elements prepared for tonite's meeting include;
- Two PSA's for Cable Television
- Flyer to hand out to locals and place in key locations
- Letter Invite to be "hand delivered" to Key Contacts in Dangriga (mayor, education minister, youth group coordinators, police dept, hospital admin, magistrate, churches...etc)
- List of the Key Contacts
Although there's a little more than two weeks left in this project, there is still much work to do to ensure a really successful community meeting and to prepare final project description and analysis for my host contacts.
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Greeat post
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