I will live in Danriga, which is in the Stann Creek District. I look forward to an awesome experience! I am told that the people are KIND, the atmosphere LOVELY, the challenges facing the people CONSIDERABLE and my colleagues, Michelle Irving - Director of the Women's Department and Human Rights Lawyer Antoinette Moore FASCINATING WOMEN OF DISTINCTION in their own rights. I will depart on May 27th and will not return until August 4th. So if any of you see my beautiful young girls and their hair is all over the place, just take your comb out of your purse (back pocket) while I'm gone and help my husband out!! My two girls and 6 feet tall son of 12 yrs are in good hands with Mr. Trotter. I will definitely miss him and the kids dearly during this time, but we will stay in touch by web cam, email and skype! Keep us in your prayers.
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